Norfolk We Buy Junk Cars

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Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy will explain how Norfolk We Buy Junk Cars customers personal information is used by our websites and online services. This never includes websites and services that apply to different privacy policies.  

‌Your website use information may be automatically collected when you visit the site. Such as your internet service provider, operating system, browser type, domain name, internet protocol address, access times, the referral website, requested Web pages and dates and times of the requests. We sometimes use cookies and Web beacons to collect your website use information. Cookies on your hard drive help us improve the site and/or your customer experience on the site .We also use Targeting or Advertising cookies to track popular areas and features and count customer site visits. Third party users offer their services in return for customer site visits. Your site visits are remembered and then shared with 3rd party websites. 

‌Targeting or Advertising cookies will be linked to the 3rd party organizations site functionality. For example, to make ‘like’ and ‘share’ buttons work properly. We also collect browsing habit information to share with other websites to customize advertisements most relevant to each customer.

How will you use my information?

We may use your information to answer your customer inquiries. We may also post customer comments and statements on blogs or other forums Norfolk We Buy Junk Cars  maintains. Our site may also need to take other actions regarding customer inquiries and other website activities. We will also need to communicate with you about our services, program participation and overall brand.

Our Ways of Sharing Your Personal Information:

With your consent, we may share your information with others. We may share specific information for legal reasons (i.e. lawful request, legal process response or complying with the law). We would also disclose customer information to protect the rights, privacy and safety of every person involved with  Norfolk We Buy Junk Cars (i.e. employees, agents, customers etc.).

How is my information secured?

Of course we can never guarantee 100% information security. But we will always take necessary action to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification of customer information.

Policy Updates

Our policy may need updating as it becomes necessary. The new privacy policy will show on the page with a new date at the top. Check the privacy policy date when you visit the site to get updates about changes. You will be notified of modifications to the privacy policy that affect how we use and disclose personal information.

Questions and Feedback

We are always happy to hear from our customers with questions, concerns and feedback about our privacy policy. Contact customer service by phone, email or postal address.

Norfolk We Buy Junk Cars